c# - MonoTouch.Dialog search filter not working properly for MessageElement cells -
i have following code example demonstrate simple monotouch.dialog table using messageelement
cells. issue having when enable automatic search feature in dialogviewcontroller
. whenever doing search displays blank table.
if replace messageelement
cells stingelements
cells search works fine.
does there need additional code search messageelement
cells properly?
any issue appreciated.
using system; using monotouch.uikit; using monotouch.dialog; using monotouch.foundation; namespace messageelementsearch { public class messagetable : dialogviewcontroller { public messagetable(rootelement root) : base(root) { section sec = new section(); root.add(sec); (int = 0; < 10; i++) { messageelement me = new messageelement(); me.sender = "sender " + i.tostring(); me.subject = "subject " + i.tostring(); me.body = "body " + i.tostring(); me.date = datetime.now; sec.add(me); } this.style = uitableviewstyle.plain; this.enablesearch = true; this.searchplaceholder = "filter table..."; } } }
the source code monotouch.dialog available on github. can see how dialogviewcontroller
does it's search (it calls matches
methods on element
) , how can tweak liking.
in case happens messageelement
type not override matches
fallbacks the default, element
use caption
do it's searching.
the quick fix inherit own element messageelement
, e.g. mymessageelement
, , override matches
work like.
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