jquery - Changing Width/Gutters? -

i'm trying create thumbnail gallery rows of 3 items , i'm not able control width (192px) or gutters (10px) of items. heres code

    <script>   $(function(){      var $container = $('.isosort'),         filters = {};      $container.isotope({       layoutmode : 'fitrows',       animationengine : 'best-available',       masonry: {         columnwidth: 192,         gutterwidth: 10       }     });      // filter buttons     $('#options li ul li a').click(function(){       var $this = $(this);       // don't proceed if selected       if ( $this.hasclass('selected') ) {         return;       }        var $optionset = $this.parents('.option-set');       // change selected class       $optionset.find('.selected').removeclass('selected');       $this.addclass('selected');        // store filter value in object       // i.e. filters.color = 'red'       var group = $optionset.attr('data-filter-group');       filters[ group ] = $this.attr('data-filter-value');       // convert object array       var isofilters = [];       ( var prop in filters ) {         isofilters.push( filters[ prop ] )       }       var selector = isofilters.join('');       $container.isotope({ filter: selector });        return false;     });    }); </script> 

my understanding use masonry options, you're required choose "masonry" layoutmode.


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