iphone - Mac-address changed -

i'm facing problem here, using library uidevice uniqueidentifier ios 5 generate unique identifier ios device, simple md5 hash of mac address. , ok, i've published app in appstore, , after time i've decided write small update. app uses dedicated server api, identifying user important. when started app after update (i integrating tapjoy) - had mac address, , other unique identifier. thought mac address cannot change, wrong? same keeps happening in simulator , on device.

yeah, figured out. tapjoy. library implements [[uidevice currentdevice] macadress] method. also, uidevice uniqueidentifer ios 5 implements same method. difference between them - colons in mac address. tapjoy implementation doesn't have them, when uniqueidentifier does. , when use both of libraries @ same time, can cause issues. warned! did, renaming method [[uidevice currentdevice] macadress] in uniqueidentifier lib, [[uidevice currentdevice] macadress_colons] , did trick.


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