ios - How to use a UISplitTableViewController correctly to display two UITableViewControllers? -

i (still) in process of converting iphone app universal app.

i want push uisplitviewcontroller onto uiview. discussed here trying create flow:

uiview -> uisplitviewcontroller (containing 2 uitableviews use in iphone version) -> uiview

i want button attached ibaction make tableview appear on iphone (which set , working) , splitviewcontroller appear on ipad:

-(ibaction)makestory:(id)sender{ nslog(@"makestory:");   if (ui_user_interface_idiom() == uiuserinterfaceidiompad) {          //code here push split view.   } else {     //i iphone!      makestorytableviewcontroller = [[makestorytableviewcontroller alloc] initwithnibname:@"makestorytableviewcontroller" bundle:nil];     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:makestorytableviewcontroller animated:yes];     [self.navigationcontroller setnavigationbarhidden:no animated:yes];   }        }  

i've read tutorials here , here - can't head around how add existing app correctly. appreciate / direction can implement uisplitviewcontroller correctly in universal app.

you can't "push" split view controller or add on top of view. has root view controller of window.

in ibaction simple as:

appwindow.rootviewcontroller = asplitviewcontroller;

of course, have reference app's window, , have asplitviewcontroller initialized left , right view controllers somewhere...


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