How to implement the flood-fill algorithm in android? -
how implement flood-fill algorithm in android.but code written in c language.could implement algorithm in there open source code available or website tutorial link
algorithm flood fill simple recursive one.
//initialize , j place start floodfill(int arr[][], target_color, replace_color) { if(arr[i][j] == replace_color) return; replace(target_color, replace_color); floodfill(int[i+1][j], target_color, replace_color); floodfill(int[i][j+1], target_color, replace_color); floodfill(int[i-1][j], target_color, replace_color); floodfill(int[i][j-1], target_color, replace_color); }
flood fill using queue. use asynctask flood fill.
- bitamp filled
- point user touches (x,y cordinates)
- color of pixel use touches
color replaced.
public class floodfill { public void floodfill(bitmap image, point node, int targetcolor, int replacementcolor) { int width = image.getwidth(); int height = image.getheight(); int target = targetcolor; int replacement = replacementcolor; if (target != replacement) { queue<point> queue = new linkedlist<point>(); { int x = node.x; int y = node.y; while (x > 0 && image.getpixel(x - 1, y) == target) { x--; } boolean spanup = false; boolean spandown = false; while (x < width && image.getpixel(x, y) == target) { image.setpixel(x, y, replacement); if (!spanup && y > 0 && image.getpixel(x, y - 1) == target) { queue.add(new point(x, y - 1)); spanup = true; } else if (spanup && y > 0 && image.getpixel(x, y - 1) != target) { spanup = false; } if (!spandown && y < height - 1 && image.getpixel(x, y + 1) == target) { queue.add(new point(x, y + 1)); spandown = true; } else if (spandown && y < height - 1 && image.getpixel(x, y + 1) != target) { spandown = false; } x++; } } while ((node = queue.poll()) != null); } } }
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