gridview - Programmatically create a 2*2 and 2*1 grid view in iphone -

currently referring this post , able create 2*2 grid view

int rows = 2; int cols = 2;  float gridwidth = 1024.0; float gridheight = 1024.0;  float buttonwidth = 100.0; float buttonheight = 100.0;  // float gaphorizontal = (gridwidth - (buttonwidth * rows)) / (rows + 1); // float gapvertical = (gridheight - (buttonheight * cols)) / (cols + 1);  float gaphorizontal = 40; float gapvertical = 40;  float offsetx; float offsety;  int count = 0;  {     offsetx = gaphorizontal + ((count % rows) * (buttonwidth + gaphorizontal));     offsety = gapvertical + ((count / rows) * (buttonheight + gapvertical));      uiview *view = [[uiview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(offsetx, offsety,  buttonwidth, buttonheight)];     view.backgroundcolor = [uicolor yellowcolor];      [self.view addsubview:view];       offsetx+= buttonwidth + gaphorizontal;      count++;  } while(count < rows * cols); 

but when try create 2*1 grid view

by changing

int rows = 2; int cols = 1; 

i'm not able so. creating 2 views.

is there simple solution available this?

what describe expected behavior. 2 rows 1 column 2 cells, or representation views.


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