cpython - Is it possible to use stackless python 2.7.2 with pythondotnet? -

platform: windows 7 assume 32bit versions of both.

my current understanding is not possible since both installation processes involve replacing python.exe itself.

i guess source each have merged in order functionality both?

stackless python: http://zope.stackless.com/

python .net: http://pythonnet.github.io/

we using python .net on ironpython since want access full range of cpython libraries (e.g. matplotlib among others).

as state - no, not possible: "merging source" of both projects non-trivial task, well.

however, sicne have problem handled stackless, i'd suggest write part of project need stackless python written in it, , part of project, needs .net use regular ironpython - can comunicate data between 2 parts of program using xmlrpc (or jsonrpc) calls -- not complicated thing in python, , work in both python flavors (example here: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/81549-a-simple-xml-rpc-server/ )


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