WordPress Inside Pages Default to Index Always? -

i set site wordpress using automatic setup through hosting provider. in wordpress, , it's working in can create pages. however, when go view page, defaults index page. example:

if go www.site.com/about goes www.site.com

it not show inside pages. cannot figure out why doing this. thoughts? have set new wordpress sites before , have not run problem. did miss step in set process?

any appreciated, thank you.

without putting hands on site difficult. is possible share link site?

what theme using? using custom theme? if check if have file in theme folder called page.php , not same index file.

try clicking on page preview button inside page editor. check url sure 1 expecting.

have adjusted permalinks in wordpress configuration? double check valid. should */%post_id%/%postname%/*

i hope of helped. try give little more info settings.


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