how to set an object into C++ from C# -

i want configure c++ project c#.

e.g: if have class in c#:

public class person {     public person(){}      public string firstname     {get; set;}      public string lastname     {get; set;}      public int age     {get; set;} } 

then have list of persons:

person per1 = new person(); per1.firstname = "per1"; per1.lastname = "last"; per1.age = 20;   person per2 = new person(); per2.firstname = "per2"; per2.lastname = "last2"; per2.age = 21; 

then have:

list<person> persons = new list(); persons.add(per1); persons.add(per2); 

my question how can pass '


' list in c++ source.

a sample appreciated!

thanks in advance.

you cannot pass list<> unmanaged c++, since has no access clr , wouldn't know it.

what can define structure in c++ matches layout of c# class , pass exported c++ function expects array. depending on how control have on c# , c++ definitions, there things can make life easier on yourself:

first, define c# type interop in mind:

// in c#: [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, charset = charset.unicode)] public struct person {   [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lpwstr)] public string firstname;   [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lpwstr)] public string lastname;   public int age; }  // in c++ typedef struct tagperson {   lpwstr firstname;   lpwstr lastname;   long age; } person; 

second, since c/c++ arrays aren't managed you'll need other way define how big is; easiest option pass second parameter c++ function length.

// in c++ extern "c" __declspec( dllexport ) void myfunction(long count, person[] people);  // in c# [dllimport("mydll.dll")] public static extern void myfunction(   int count,   [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lparray, sizeparamindex = 0)] person[] people); 

then can call method in c#; if have populated list<person> this:

var personsarray = persons.toarray(); nativemethods.myfunction(personsarray.length, personsarray); 


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