windows server 2003 - Multiple VPN connections behind NAT -

i have following problem:

i have windows 2003 ras vpn server configured single nic (let's call lan1) behind firewall (lets call it's public address wan1). pptp & l2tp ports forwarded server.

when client (windows or linux) in remote network behind firewall (lan2) tries connect pptp vpn on wan1 goes fine.

when second client in same lan2 tries connect same vpn on same wan1 error 629.

it's independant of machine gets first connection.

apparently problem independant of router/firewall hardware of lan2 (we have tested @ least 5 different types of remote small router/firewalls - linksys, huawey, d-link, etc.)

the firewall wan1 listens 2 internet connections. problem independant of external address clients pointing (even if 2 different workstations point different ip addresses attempt stablish vpn).

inside lan1, there no such limitation , multiple workstations connect fine.

theres no limitation different remote lans.

is limitation of pptp protocol?

thanx in advance.

from description sounds issue @ remote end. mention when second user lan2 attempts reach same vpn server @ wan1 receive error.

depending on firewall mechanism in use there can "limitation" exists regard pptp connection tracking , multiple vpn connections same server address.

google: pptp multiple connections same ip

due way in nat tracks pptp connections, specific modules need loaded in order handle multiple connections single server.

if it's netfilter based, make sure 'nf_conntrack_pptp' , 'nf_nat_pptp' loaded.


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