vb.net - Convert PDF to TIFF Format -

i writting vb.net application. need able convert either word or pdf file tif format.

free nice accept low cost.

i sample code if possible, vb preferable know c#

it's simple imagemagick (you have download ghostscript, too.). need use vb run process.

dim imgmgk new process()      imgmgk.startinfo         .filename = v_locationofimagemagickconvert.exe         .useshellexecute = false         .createnowindow = true         .redirectstandardoutput = true         .redirectstandarderror = true         .redirectstandardinput = false         .arguments = " -units pixelsperinch " & v_pdf_filename & " -depth 16 -flatten +matte –monochrome –density 288 -compress zip " & v_tiff_filename      end      imgmgk.start()      dim output string = imgmgk.standardoutput.readtoend()     dim errormsg string = imgmgk.standarderror.readtoend()     imgmgk.waitforexit()     imgmgk.close() 

the arguments varied - use imagemagick docs see are. can simple pass pdf file name , tiff file name simple conversion.


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