ruby - Regular expression match that excludes characters inside parenthesis -

i have following types of strings.

bill smith (usa) winthrop (fr) lord @ war (gb) kim smith 

with these strings, have following constraints: 1. caps 2. can 2 18 charters long 3. should not have white spaces or carriage returns @ end 4. country abbreviation inside parens should excluded 5. of names not have country in parens , should matched too

after applying regular expression i'd following:

bill smith (usa)  => bill smith winthrop (fr) => winthrop lord @ war (gb) = lord @ war kim smith => kim smith 

i came following regular expression i'm not getting matches:

string.scan(\([a-z \s*]{1,18})(^?!(\([a-z]{1,3}\)))\) 

i been banging head on while if can point error i'd appreciated it.


i've gotten great responses, however, far none of regular expression solutions have met constraints. tricky part seems of string has country in parenthesis , don't. in 1 case strings without country not being matched , in returning correct string along country abbreviation without parenthesis. (see comments on second response.) 1 point of clarification: of strings matching start point of string. not sure if helps or not. again help.

the biggest error wrote (^?!...) meant (?=...). former means "an optional start-of-line anchor, followed !, followed ..., inside capture group"; latter means "a position in string followed ...". fixing that, makin few other tweaks, , adding requirement initial string end letter, get:


update based on op comments: since match @ start of string, can use \a "anchor" pattern start of string. can rid of lookahead assertion. this:


matches start-of-string, followed uppercase letter, followed 16 characters either uppercase letters or whitespace characters, followed uppercase letter.


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