- Setting MaxLength on TextBox depending upon DropDownList selection? -

i have textbox displayed depending upon selection in dropdownlist. default behavior of textbox visible="false". maxlength value need vary depending upon selection in dropdownlist. note textbox not displayed.

i have provided markup below.

    <asp:updatepanel id="updatepanel" runat="server" childrenastriggers="false" updatemode="conditional" rendermode="inline">         <contenttemplate>             <asp:dropdownlist id="ddllist" runat="server" autopostback="true" onselectedindexchanged="ddllist_selectedindexchanged">             </asp:dropdownlist>             <asp:textbox id="tbother" runat="server" visible="false" onprerender="tbother_prerender"></asp:textbox>         </contenttemplate>         <triggers>             <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="ddllist" />         </triggers>     </asp:updatepanel> 

i'm still working through way address issue, possible save value maxlength on dropdownlist , then, in code behind, use value set maxlength on textbox? since have dropdown in updatepanel , using autopostback seems should possible don't know how/where value stored.

yep. can this.

void page_load() {     tbother.maxlength = int32.parse(ddllist.selectedvalue); } 

the value automatically stored in page's viewstate don't have worry @ all.


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