unit testing - Looking for Open Source Java Projects that use JUnit and Ant -

i doing research , looking open source java projects use junit , ant. ideally have projects vary in size/complexity/domain test suite coverage.

i seem having hard time finding suitable open source projects fit these criteria:

  • project has number of junit test cases
  • all junit test cases can ran single test class (i.e., junit testsuite)
  • the project uses ant building , testing

i sure community benefit list of usable open source projects fitting aforementioned criteria. possible learn projects use these technologies. side bonus researchers identify suitable open source projects research.

the following suitable open source project according criteria:

well, bumped onto jsr-166, java specification request various concurrency utilities. source code has ant task @ top level , pretty extensive junit-based testsuite. added benefit, units under test classes included in jdk, has couple of advantages:

  • they documented, not case.

  • since part of jdk, should familiar experienced java programmers. understanding supporting infrastructure such build system or test suite hard enough without having understand actual codebase well.

that said, there couple of issues well:

  • the current code bleeding edge - literally! current version requires @ least java 7 , seems geared towards java 8. might want retrieve older version of code closer java versions used in production.

  • the jsr-166 source code not organized. obvious issue encountered lack of singular package root , overabundance of classes belong default package. have been warned...

ps: question not suitable stackoverflow, since not have one answer. provided answer point out obvious repository of code, i.e. java itself, inexperienced programmers tend ignore completely, since consider part of system...


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