php - Magento - Adding page number to title on products listing -

i have extension uses products list block show products grid filter attribute (the extension attribute info pages).

in "_preparelayout" function of extension block extension sets page's title , description using code :

$head = $this->getlayout()->getblock('head'); . . . $head->settitle($title); head->setdescription($des); 

i want add text title , description in format :

$page_info = "page of b "; $title = $page_info . title; $items_info = "listings x-y (out of z) "; $des = items_info . $des; 

i've tried code order current page, last page, number , items , on :

$html_pager = mage::getblocksingleton('page/html_pager');     $html_pager->setcollection($product_collection);     $limit = mage::getsingleton('core/app')->getrequest()->getparam('limit');     if(empty($limit))     {         $limit = 8;     }      $html_pager->setlimit($limit);     $lastpagenumber = $html_pager->getlastpagenum();     $current_page = $html_pager->getcurrentpage();      $page_info = "";     if($current_page > 1)     {         $page_info = "page " . $current_page . " of $lastpagenumber ";     }      $firstnum = $html_pager->getfirstnum();     $lastnum = $html_pager->getlastnum();     $totalnum = $html_pager->gettotalnum();      $items_info = "listings " . $firstnum . "-" . $lastnum . " (out of ". $totalnum . ") "; 

the code gives me correct information causes problem in products grid - shows 10 products in products grid (no matter choose in "show per page").

any ideas how information without breaking grid functionality?

i found solution works me:

    $product_collection = clone mage::getsingleton('catalog/layer')->getproductcollection();      $total = count($product_collection);      $current_page = mage::getblocksingleton('page/html_pager')->getcurrentpage();      $limit = mage::getsingleton('core/app')->getrequest()->getparam('limit');     if(empty($limit))     {         $limit = mage::getstoreconfig('catalog/frontend/grid_per_page');     }      $pages = $total / $limit;     $pages = ceil($pages);      if($current_page > 1)     {         $page_info = "page " . $current_page . " of $pages ";     }      $firstnum = $limit*($current_page-1)+1;      if($current_page == $pages)     {         $lastnum = $total;     }     else     {         $lastnum = $limit + ($firstnum - 1);     }      $items_info = "listings " . $firstnum . "-" . $lastnum . " (out of ". $total . ") "; 


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