ios - viewDidDisappear not called when use presentViewController -

i have uiviewcontroller having method:

- (void)viewwilldisappear:(bool)animated {     [super viewwilldisappear:animated];     nslog(@"disappear");     lastknownorientation = [self interfaceorientation]; }   -(void)opensendvc{     sendmsgviewcontroller *vc = [[sendmsgviewcontroller alloc]initwithnibname:@"sendmsgviewcontroller" bundle:nil];     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:vc animated:no];   } 

in second view controller (sendmsgviewcontroller) viewdidload have following:

[self presentviewcontroller:picker animated:yes completion:null]; 

where picker uiimageviewpicker.

the problem is, when call method opensendvc new controller opened, viewwilldisappear (of first viewcontroller) not called.

that correct behavior. here's excerpt viewwilldisappear: uiviewcontroller api docs:

this method called in response view being removed view hierarchy. method called before view removed , before animations configured.

presenting new view controller hides other view controller doesn't count view disappearing—only being removed view hierarchy (e.g., popviewcontrolleranimated:).


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