c# - Force WaitCursor to the parent form of a modal form -

i have form displays loading animation while backgroundworker doing work, , closes when work complete. show following code:

using (backgroundworker bw = new backgroundworker()) using (loadingpopup loadingpopup = new loadingpopup(bw)) {     bw.dowork += delegate     {         domywork();     };      loadingpopup.showdialog(this); } 

my loadingpopup form starts background worker in onshown, , when background worker finishes closes itself.

i want have waitcursor displayed if user hovers on part of parent form or child form.

i've tried adding code loadingpopup onshown event set parent.cursor, owner.cursor, this.cursor, , cursor.current waitcursor, setting them cursor.default in onclosed event. when hover on parent form default cursor.

any way force cursor or set application-wide cursor?

edit: have tried inserting change cursor before , after showdialog line of code in parent. still did not work. prefer loadingpopup manage cursor anyway reusability.

i tried setting usewaitcursor property true on both child form , parent form , had same result.

have tried:

mouse.overridecursor = cursors.wait; 


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