javascript - Use a cookie value in a getJson call -

i want use getjson call this"

$.getjson("cfc/getmember.cfc?method=getuser&returnformat=json&queryformat=column",{"memberid":userid}, function(res,code) 

the userid stored cookie - thought i'd use:

function checkcookie(){   var userid=getcookie("uid"); } 

now (as i'm sure cal tell) i'm new javascript might problem - i'm after advice on how use cookie value in getjson call.



assuming getcookie() function defined , correctly retrieves cookies, need define userid before make call $.getjson:

var userid=getcookie("uid"); $.getjson("cfc/getmember.cfc?method=getuser&returnformat=json&queryformat=column", {"memberid":userid}, function(res,code) {}); 


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