How can I call JavaScript code from an XForms action? -

i'm trying call javascript on button click in xform. seems easy task but... i've programmed described here , have added xml :

<xforms:trigger>     <xforms:label>increment foo javascript</xforms:label>     <xxforms:script ev:event="domactivate">         alert("test!")     </xxforms:script> </xforms:trigger> 

but error wher page has loaded :

fatal error: prefix "ev" attribute "ev:event" associated element type "xxforms:script" not bound

did miss thing?

this means namespace prefix ev not visible <xxforms:script> element.

as @grtjn mentions in comment, have add proper xml namespace declaration. example @ top of document:

<xhtml:html     xmlns:xhtml=""     xmlns:ev = ""     xmlns:xforms=""     xmlns:xxforms="">     <xhtml:head>         ... 

note in recent builds of orbeon forms, prefix on event attributes optional, can write things like:

<xxforms:script event="domactivate"> 

but might not supported other implementations.


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