c# - RichTextBox contents are not updated while saving -

i have list box control in form contains paths of files of particular type folder. on item double click adding page dynamically tab control , loading contents of file object of rich text box. want edit contents , save again . when open saved file edited contents not saved has earlier contents there while loading file rich text box.how update rich text box object text , save.

 private void lsterrorlist_mousedoubleclick(object sender, mouseeventargs e)         {             arraylist errortype = new arraylist();             richtextbox myrich = new richtextbox();             string[] list;              tabpage selectedtab;              if (lsterrorlist.items.count > 0)             {                 string error = lsterrorlist.selecteditem.tostring();                 int result = error.lastindexof('\\');                 string filename = error.substring(result + 1, error.length - (result + 1));                 list = error.split(new char[] { '\t' });                 int pagecount;                 tabpage tp = new tabpage();                 pagecount = this.tabcontrol1.tabpages.count;                 bool found = false;                 foreach (tabpage tab in tabcontrol1.tabpages)                 {                     if (filename.equals(tab.name))                     {                         tabcontrol1.selectedtab = tab;                         found = true;                         break;                     }                 }                  if (!found)                 {                     tabcontrol1.tabpages.add(filename, filename);                     tabcontrol1.selectedtab = tabcontrol1.tabpages[tabcontrol1.tabpages.count - 1];                     int = tabcontrol1.tabpages.count;                     myrich.height = this.tabcontrol1.height - 30;                     myrich.width = this.tabcontrol1.width - 10;                     myrich.anchor = (anchorstyles.left | anchorstyles.right | anchorstyles.top | anchorstyles.bottom);                     tabcontrol1.tabpages[tabcontrol1.tabpages.count - 1].controls.add(myrich);                     string path = list[7];                     objreader = new system.io.streamreader(path);                     myrich.text = objreader.readtoend();                     objreader.close();                 }                  int val = 0;                 string val1 = list[3];                 string replacement = regex.replace(val1, @"\t|\n|\r|[a-za-z]", "");                 val = convert.toint32(replacement);                 foreach (control ct in tabcontrol1.selectedtab.controls)                 {                     if (ct richtextbox)                     {                         richtextbox x = (richtextbox)ct;                          x.select(val, wordtofind.length);                         x.selectionbackcolor = color.wheat;                         x.focus();                         break;                     }                 }             }         }  private void mnuvalidate_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {                                   myrich.refresh();             myrich.update();                        foreach (tabpage page in tabcontrol1.tabpages)             {                                     string saved_file = "";                                     savefd.title = "save file";                     savefd.filename = chosenfilename;                     savefd.filter = "text file|*.txt|html file|*.html|xhtml file|*.xhtml|xml file|*.xml";                     saved_file = savefd.filename;                     foreach (control ct in tabcontrol1.selectedtab.controls)                     {                         if (ct richtextbox)                         {                             int x = tabcontrol1.selectedtab.controls.indexof(ct);                             messagebox.show(x.tostring());                             ((richtextbox)page.controls[x]).savefile(saved_file,richtextboxstreamtype.richtext);                                                    }         }                       this.tabcontrol1.tabpages.remove(page);                  }                        lsterrorlist.items.clear();             if (filepathlist.count == 0)             {                 messagebox.show("no input files found,please upload files , validate again", "warning", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.information);             }             else             {                 if (html_qc_multiplefiles.errors.checkeditemlist.count == 0)                 {                     messagebox.show("please select error type , validate again", "information", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.information);                 }                 else                 {                     if (singlefile == true)                     {                         validate();                     }                     else                     {                         bool errorfound = false;                         string[] words;                         foreach (string file in filepathlist)                         {                             int lineno, index;                             objreader = new system.io.streamreader(file);                             myrich.clear();                             myrich.height = this.tabcontrol1.height - 30;                             myrich.width = this.tabcontrol1.width - 10;                             myrich.anchor = (anchorstyles.left | anchorstyles.right | anchorstyles.top | anchorstyles.bottom);                             myrich.text = objreader.readtoend();                             chosenfilename = file;                             validate();                             objreader.close();                         }                     }                 }             }         } 

i think problem could code asks filename save , iterates through set of controls saving each same file. if have 2 rich text boxes efforts of saving first overwritten second.

other things out for:

  • is there exception during save?
  • is file being saved same name first?
  • why save dialog filter *.rtf, *.txt , *.html when savefile method saves rtf?
  • path manipulations should done via system.io.path class.
  • consider introducing methods/functions particular activities don't end such large, wall-of-code methods.


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