c# - How set a object datasource to a subReport in reportviewer -

i configured report add show respective values, in 1 point decide set subreport principal report. reading found need bind subreport event passing datasource this

 this.reportviewer1.localreport.subreportprocessing += new subreportprocessingeventhandler(mysubreporteventhandler);  void mysubreporteventhandler(object sender, subreportprocessingeventargs e)      {          e.datasources.add(new reportdatasource("objectdatasource3"));     } 

and defined in aspx follow object datasource

asp:objectdatasource id="objectdatasource3" runat="server"          selectmethod="obtenerdetallesgestion"          typename="sodexosat.reports.datasets.camposgestion">         <selectparameters>             <asp:parameter name="idgestion" type="int32" />         </selectparameters> 

the value of first parameters setting in first report. problem it's reportviewer say's follow

an error occurred during local report processing. value cannot null. parameter name: value 

what doing wrong??


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