c# - How can I change the way my data shows up on GridView after I pulled it from SQL DB -

i pull data out of database , put in dataset through sqladapted , databind it.

my question how can change way data presented in table?

example: should have 2 digits after decimal , should have 3 etc. example: should right justified whereas should centered?

when build gridview, can assign items <asp:boundfields>, instead of using "autogeneratecolumns". gives more control, example:

<asp:boundfield datafield="datelastcontacted" headertext="contacted" sortexpression="datelastcontacted" itemstyle-cssclass="resultscell" headerstyle-cssclass="resultsheader" itemstyle-horizontalalign="center" dataformatstring="{0:dd mmm yyy}" nulldisplaytext="n/a" />

you can use itemstyle-horizontalalign="center" alignment, , use dataformatstring="{0:n2}" specify decimals, see here:




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