c# - Generic ServiceFactory<T> for WCF Channel Factory and StructureMap with MVC 3 -

so interesting post because must include code , attempt explain how have setup architecture.

i have placed service , datacontracts in central assembly (dmt.wcf.contracts). done distributed pieces of application can reference same type of service interfaces , contracts nice.

i have setup structuremap container inject dependencies in following manner, specifying servicecontext, house of service interface properties can referenced int application later.

public interface iservicecontext {  }  public class servicecontext: iservicecontext {     public iauthenticationservice authenticationservice { get; set; }     public servicecontext(iauthenticationservice authenticationservice)     {          authenticationservice = authenticationservice;     } } 

then, have structuremapcontrollerfactory looks following:

public class structuremapcontrollerfactory:defaultcontrollerfactory {     protected override icontroller getcontrollerinstance(requestcontext requestcontext, type controllertype)     {         if (controllertype == null) return null;         return objectfactory.getinstance(controllertype) icontroller;     } } 

and configured in global.asax following:

protected void application_start()     {         controllerbuilder.current.setcontrollerfactory(new structuremapcontrollerfactory());         arearegistration.registerallareas();         registerglobalfilters(globalfilters.filters);         registerroutes(routetable.routes);          configure();      } 

i wanted decouple services as possible appliction, have implemented following servicefactory class handles providing proxies structuremap when ioc container configured:

public  static class servicefactory {     private static readonly clientsection _clientsection = configurationmanager.getsection("system.servicemodel/client") clientsection;      public static t create<t>()     {         t context = default(t);         foreach(channelendpointelement endpoint in _clientsection.endpoints)         {             if(endpoint.contract == typeof(t).fullname)             {                 ienumerable<type> assignables = typeof (binding).assembly.gettypes().where(p => typeof(binding).isassignablefrom(p));                 type bindingtype = assignables.single(p => p.name.tolower().equals(endpoint.binding.tolower()));                 context = channelfactory<t>.createchannel((binding)activator.createinstance(bindingtype, false), new endpointaddress(endpoint.address));             }         }         return context;     }  } 

this allows me pull directly config file when creating proxies not need select "add service reference" (as technically adding dependency).

in global.asax, can configure structuremap container this:

protected void configure()     {         objectfactory.configure(x =>         {             x.scan(scanner => scanner.addalltypesof<icontroller>());             x.for<iauthenticationservice>().use(servicefactory.create<iauthenticationservice>());             x.for<iservicecontext>().use<servicecontext>();          });     } 

although able use in following manner:

iauthenticationservice service = servicecontext.authenticationservice.authenticat(...); 

i unable start application without exceptions being thrown such following:

structuremap configuration failures: error:  104 source:  registry:  structuremap.configuration.dsl.registry, structuremap,  version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=e60ad81abae3c223 type instance '685e2e2a-f271-4163-a6fa-ba074e4082d1' (object:   dmt.wcf.contracts.authentication.iauthenticationservice) cannot plugged type   dmt.wcf.contracts.authentication.iauthenticationservice, dmt.wcf.contracts,  version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null 

i not sure why occuring. said, able , running, not sure has changed.

i have looked @ many of hundreds of references regarding error message, specific problems dont seem match mine, unless overlooking problem.


doesn't operation use channelfactory new channel safe client?

context = channelfactory<t>.createchannel(     (binding)activator.createinstance(bindingtype, false),     new endpointaddress(endpoint.address)); 


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