c# - Can not get MSMQ Com to find my Queue -

i trying count of messages in msmq. have found code on internet (many times):

// setup queue management com stuff msmqmanagement _queuemanager = new msmqmanagement();  object machine = "mylaptopcomputer"; object path = @"direct=os:mylaptopcomputer\private$\myqueue";  _queuemanager.init(ref machine, ref path);  console.writeline(_queuemanager.messagecount);  marshal.releasecomobject(_queuemanager); 

every time _queuemanager.init fails error:

the queue path name specified invalid.

i have checked (and double checked) queue name see if wrong. have tried different queues, different machines, running remote, running local... nothing works.

i have tried variations on code above. example have tried:

_queuemanager.init("mylaptopcomputer", @"direct=os:mylaptopcomputer\private$\myqueue"); 

the queues used nservicebus , function fine when use nservicebus access them.

does have idea on how can work?

i think problem error you're getting little misguiding. msmqmanagement.init takes 3 parameters. they're optional why in other languages (like vb) you'll see called 2 parameters.

there codeproject project shows how you're doing in c#:

private int getmessagecount(string queuename) {     int count = 0;     try     {          msmq.msmqmanagement mgmt = new msmq.msmqmanagement();         msmq.msmqoutgoingqueuemanagement outgoing;         string s = "yourpcname";         object ss = (object)s;         string pathname = queuename;         object pn = (object)pathname;         string format = null;         object f = (object)format;          mgmt.init(ref ss , ref f, ref pn);          outgoing = (msmq.msmqoutgoingqueuemanagement)mgmt;         count = outgoing.messagecount;      }     catch (exception ee)     {         messagebox.show(ee.tostring());     }     return count; } 

it might provide better starting point.


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