scala - How to handle optional query parameters in Play framework -

lets have functioning play 2.0 framework based application in scala serves url such as:


which responds listing of known birthdays

i want enhance adding ability restrict results optional "from" (date) , "to" request params such as


(dates here interpreted yyyymmdd)

my question how handle request param binding , interpretation in play 2.0 scala, given both of these params should optional.

should these parameters somehow expressed in "routes" specification? alternatively, should responding controller method pick apart params request object somehow? there way this?

encode optional parameters option[string] (or option[], you’ll have implement own querystringbindable[date]):

def birthdays(from: option[string], to: option[string]) = action {   // … } 

and declare following route:

get   /birthday       controllers.application.birthday(from: option[string], to: option[string]) 


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