ios - Source control in XCode is a nightmare - can anyone offer advice? -

using git xcode (4.3) real nightmare.

here's scenario...

i want add new feature, create new topic branch.

i add new feature , i'm ready commit, rebase , merge...

i commit changes - fine.

i jump master pull changes (in case else has updated code). get:

error: local changes following files overwritten checkout: myproject/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/bodacious.xcuserdatad/userinterfacestate.xcuserstate 

huh? committed.

xcode likes change project.xcworkspace files every other second makes impossible make clean, atomic commits.

what's more, if commit changes in project.xcworkspace , jump branch (in order merge master example) xcode complain files have changed , crash too.

from gather, i can't add these files .gitignore either.

do have accept concise , orderly git strategy not possible xcode, close xcode before doing git management, or there option available?

i add files .gitignore file. there no need share them other developers.

so have:


in .gitignore

note stackoverflow question linked says not exclude project.pbxproj, doesn't not exclude *.xcworkspace.

however, i'm not using workspace feature @ time. if use workspace feature may want include files, ignore xcuserdata files.


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