api - Prob in publishing post on aggregation view -

i have created timeline app local ip, status of app "pending".

it's working account have created app when trying submit/publish message on different user's wall getting error message "(#200) requires extended permission: publish_actions or app must on whitelist". have defined permission "publish_actions":

$loginurl   = $facebook->getloginurl(         array(             'display'   => 'popup',             'next'      => $fbconfig['baseurl'] . '?loginsucc=1',             'cancel_url'=> $fbconfig['baseurl'] . '?cancel=1',             'scope'     => 'publish_checkins,publish_actions, email, offline_access, read_stream, publish_stream, user_birthday, user_location, user_work_history, user_about_me, user_hometown',                    'redirect_uri'  => $fbconfig['baseurl']         ) ); 

i have used php sdk this, code mentioned below:

$publishstream = $facebook->api('/$user/recommendurl:recommend',                              'post', array(                 'website' => 'http://www.shopakira.com/',                 'place'   => '108424279189115',                 'message' => "test recommendations certified"                        )             );  

app id : 201571056616918

please guide me have done wrong.

until actions approved can't publish them users other app's official developer , test user accounts, nor can other users grant publish_actions permission app. continue testing, specify or create test users app administration interface


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