android - Why my OpenGL sphere looks like a ellipse -

i created 1 sphere using opengl es20 in android. in perspective projection env, animate sphere [-1.5, -2, -2] [-1.5, 2, -2] . problem that, sphere looks ellipse when reach frustum boundary. indeed, circle when @ [0, 0, -2], more away [0,0], more looks ellipse.

is standard behavior ? thought, 1 sphere should circle in angles of view. please ?

the sphere

you should lessen field of view; show normal , side effect of artificial nature of 3d projection — 3d projection assumes viewer sitting fixed distance screen , eyes positioned along z directly centre of screen looking forwards. check out related problems described here description of same effect real camera.

quite implicit default field of view ninety degrees. when hold phone in hand occupies less ninety degrees of vision.

if you're using glfrustum try specifying lesser values left, right, top , bottom. quick fix, throw glscalef by, say, 2.0 onto projection stack (or es 2 equivalent) after computing projection matrix.


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