iphone - Setting "device-width" property on iPad -

i'm trying implement uiwebview display twitter webapp (the iphone version). it's little widget inside ipad app.

but, realize webapp uses "device-width" property determine size of webapp. so, can't make twitter's webapp fit 320px width uiwebview.

my question: there someway "fake" property , set own value it?

btw: i've tried this: displaying wiki mobile page in uiwebview within uipopovercontroller

it kinda works, resizes fit webview's frame. but, reason, makes twitter show old (very old, , ugly) webapp, instead of current one.

here's webview implementation:

lateralweb = [[lateralwebview alloc] initwithnibname:@"lateralwebview" bundle:nil]; lateralweb.view.frame = cgrectmake(0, 0, 320, self.view.bounds.size.height); lateralweb.webview.autoresizingmask = uiviewautoresizingflexibleheight; lateralweb.webview.scalespagetofit = yes; lateralweb.webview.scrollview.contentsize = cgsizemake(320, self.view.bounds.size.height);  [rootview insertsubview:lateralweb.view atindex:0];      [lateralweb.webview loadrequest:[nsurlrequest requestwithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@"http://mobile.twitter.com"]]]; 

here's code, lateralwebview.m, tried implement based on idea displaying wiki mobile page in uiwebview within uipopovercontroller :

-(void)webviewdidfinishload:(uiwebview *)webview{     if (hasloaded == no){          nsstring *webhtml = [nsstring stringwithcontentsofurl:self.webview.request.url encoding:nsutf8stringencoding error:null];          nsrange range = [webhtml rangeofstring:@"device-width"];          if ((range.location!=nsnotfound)&&(range.length != 0)) {                 webhtml = [webhtml stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"device-width" withstring:@"320" options:0 range:range];              [self.webview loadhtmlstring:webhtml baseurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@"http://mobile.twitter.com"]];               hasloaded = yes;           } } } 


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