frontpage - Yootheme joomla template 2.5 remove content block in front page -

i'm manage remove content part in front page (inner page still remain) in yootheme joomla 2.5, after go through several post , tutorial, added following code:

<?php $menu = & jsite::getmenu(); if($menu->getactive() !== $menu->getdefault()) :  ?>  <jdoc:include type="component" />  <?php endif;  ?> 

after hacked of code, content block removed frontpage article, block still appear blank box, i've try system output setting selected no in backend, content block unable display front , inner page, how can totally kick frontpage blank box away?

please advise & thanks!

turn off blocks in theme using modules section of joomla console, if want remove default front page logo text bubbles, in modules, can turned off in yootheme template config, accessible joomla console.


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