image - Saving Surface to Bitmap and optimizing DirectX screen capture in C# -

after whole day of testing came code, captures current screen using directx (slimdx) , saves file:

device d;  public dxscreencapture() {     presentparameters present_params = new presentparameters();     present_params.windowed = true;     present_params.swapeffect = swapeffect.discard;     d = new device(new direct3d(), 0, devicetype.hardware,, createflags.softwarevertexprocessing, present_params); }  public surface capturescreen() {     surface s = surface.createoffscreenplain(d, screen.primaryscreen.bounds.width, screen.primaryscreen.bounds.height, format.a8r8g8b8, pool.scratch);     d.getfrontbufferdata(0, s);     return s; } 

then following:

   dxscreencapture sc = new dxscreencapture(); 

..code here

    private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {          stopwatch stopwatch = new stopwatch();          // begin timing         stopwatch.start();          surface s = sc.capturescreen();         surface.tofile(s, @"c:\temp\test.png", imagefileformat.png);          s.dispose();          stopwatch.stop();          textbox1.text = ("elapsed:" + stopwatch.elapsed.totalmilliseconds);     } 

the results are:

0. when don't save surface: avg. elapsed time: 80-90ms

1. when save surface bmp file: format: imagefileformat.bmp , avg. elapsed time: 120ms, file size: 7mb

2. when save surface png file: format: imagefileformat.png , avg. elapsed time: 800ms, file size: 300kb

the questions are:

1. possible optimise current image capture? according article - directx screen capture should faster gdi. me, gdi takes 20ms "bitmap", whereas takes 80ms "surfare" using dx (both without saving).

2a. how save surface png image format faster? when save surface 7mb bmp file takes 6 times less time, when save same surface 300kb png file..

2b. possible save surface directly bitmap don't have create temporary files?

so don't have following: surface -> image file; image file open -> bitmap;, instead: surface -> bitmap

that's now. i'll gladly accept tips, thanks!


just solved 2b doing:

bitmap bitmap = new bitmap(slimdx.direct3d9.surface.tostream(s, slimdx.direct3d9.imagefileformat.bmp)); 


surface.tofile(s, @"c:\temp\test.bmp", imagefileformat.bmp); bitmap bitmap = new bitmap(@"c:\temp\test.bmp"); 

is faster than:

bitmap bitmap = new bitmap(slimdx.direct3d9.surface.tostream(s, slimdx.direct3d9.imagefileformat.bmp)); 

by 100 ms!!! yeah, couldn't believe eyes ;) don't idea of temporary file creation, 50% performance increase (100-200ms instead of 200-300+) thing.

if don't want use slimdx library can try

public bitmap gimmebitmap(surface s) {     graphicsstream gs = surfaceloader.savetostream(imagefileformat.bmp, s);     return new bitmap(gs); } 

and try same .png - did not tested performance it have to faster using disc temporary file :)

and 1st question - try once create surface , on every screenshot put device's buffer data , create bitmap

d.getfrontbufferdata(0, s); return new bitmap(surfaceloader.savetostream(imagefileformat.bmp, s)); 

this should save time :)


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