x86 - Assembly - How 0x80 with ecx=esp work? -
i have next code:
doit: mov eax, 4 ; write system call push dword, 0x44434241 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, esp mov edx, 4 int 0x80 add esp, 4 ret
as check, it's print "abcd", why? understood it, on stack have next picture:
low --- 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44
-- esp,
i.e esp point 0x44. when call 0x80. should print "dcba". missed?
your stack picture wrong. because x86 little-endian architecture, esp equal address of least-significant byte in pushed value, or 0x41
from intel's priceless architecture developer's manual:
when item pushed onto stack, processor decrements esp register, writes item @ new top of stack.
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