.net - "Switching" different cultures in C# code -

i writing own timespan readablestring implementation. need support different languages.

a functional class implemented static class 2 static public methods, both called convert, 1 receives timespan value parameter, whereas second 1 allows provide cultureinfo in order specify, desired readable string language.

my question idea use basic switch(desiredculture.threeletterisolanguagename) , return different string.format results.

is approach, given simple task trying solve? using threeletteriso anyhow more reliable , wide-spread 2 letter codes languages?

it seems me don't want localize timespan, want localize whole application. there several ways how (for example, there weird, overcomplicated way specific wpf).

but preferred way use resource files. can have 1 culture-neutral resource file (e.g. text.resx) , 1 resource each culture want support (e.g. text.de.resx german). if there no resource set culture, culture-neutral 1 used.

visual studio has editor resource files, making translation relatively simple.

additionally, might give more details: walkthrough: using resources localization asp.net (but resources not specific asp.net).


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