tmux status bar configuration -

how status bar customized? noticed in this youtube video (at 3:05 - image below), status bar looks different default 1 see after installing tmux on mac os x.

in particular, how middle of status bar shows current program , left side shows name of current session. in comparison, setup shows name of of sessions , doesn't show current application (for focused pane).

if show me sample configuration or show me can find customization rules, great! thanks!

enter image description here

update: in case curious, able customize status bar similar 1 seen in video (minor tweaks) , can find config file on github if you'd see example.

the man page has detailed descriptions of of various options (the status bar highly configurable). best bet read through man tmux , pay particular attention options begin status-.

so, example, status-bg red set background colour of bar.

the 3 components of bar, left , right sections , window-list in middle, can configured suit preferences. status-left , status-right, in addition having own variables (like #s list session name) can call custom scripts display, example, system information load average or battery time.

the option rename windows or panes based on running in them automatic-rename. can set, or disable globally with:

setw -g automatic-rename [on | off]

the straightforward way become comfortable building own status bar start vanilla 1 , add changes incrementally, reloading config go.1

you might want have around on github or bitbucket other people's conf files provide inspiration. can see mine here2.

1 can automate including line in .tmux.conf:

bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "config reloaded..."

you can test new functionality ctrlb,shiftr. tmux print helpful error message—including line number of offending snippet—if misconfigure option.

2 note: call different status bar depending on whether in x or the console - find quite useful.


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