java - libgdx: SpriteBatch not displayed with PerspectiveCamera -

while have basic knowledge of opengl i'm starting libgdx.

my question is: why, having exact same code switching orthographiccamera perspectivecamera has effect of no longer displaying of spritebatches ?

here's code use:

the create() method:

public void create() {     texturemesh = new texture(gdx.files.internal("data/texmeshtest.png"));     texturespritebatch = new texture(gdx.files.internal("data/texspritebatchtest.png"));      squaremesh = new mesh(true, 4, 4,              new vertexattribute(usage.position, 3, "a_position")             ,new vertexattribute(usage.texturecoordinates, 2, "a_texcoords")      );      squaremesh.setvertices(new float[] {             squarexinitial, squareyinitial, squarezinitial,             0,1,    //lower left             squarexinitial+squaresize, squareyinitial, squarezinitial,  1,1,    //lower right             squarexinitial, squareyinitial+squaresize, squarezinitial,  0,0,    //upper left             squarexinitial+squaresize, squareyinitial+squaresize, squarezinitial,1,0});  //upper right       squaremesh.setindices(new short[] { 0, 1, 2, 3});      spritebatch = new spritebatch();         } 

and render() method:

public void render() {     glcommon gl =;      camera.update();     camera.apply(gdx.gl10);     spritebatch.setprojectionmatrix(camera.combined);      gl.glclear(gl10.gl_color_buffer_bit | gl10.gl_depth_buffer_bit);     gl.glenable(gl10.gl_depth_test);      gl.glenable(gl10.gl_texture_2d);     texturemesh.bind();     squaremesh.render(gl10.gl_triangle_strip, 0, 4);      spritebatch.begin();     spritebatch.draw(texturespritebatch, -10, 0);     spritebatch.end();         } 

now, if in resize(int width, int height) method setup camera so:

   public void resize(int width, int height) {         float aspectratio = (float) width / (float) height;         camera = new orthographiccamera(cameraviewheight * aspectratio, cameraviewheight); 

i this:

enter image description here

but if change camera type:

public void resize(int width, int height) {     float aspectratio = (float) width / (float) height;     camera = new perspectivecamera(64, cameraviewheight * aspectratio, cameraviewheight); }        

i this:

enter image description here

the reason i'm asking because liked libgdx's built in ability draw text (font) in opengl. in examples use spritebatch path font instance, , use ortho camera. i'd know if spritebatch , font drawing functionality work perspectivecamera.

well, ok, solved it:

short answer:

spritebatch uses orthogonalperspective internally. if use perspectivecamera need pass custom view matrix spritebatch. can in resize(...) method:

@override public void resize(int width, int height) {     float aspectratio = (float) width / (float) height;     camera = new perspectivecamera(64, cameraviewheight * aspectratio, cameraviewheight);     viewmatrix = new matrix4();     viewmatrix.settoortho2d(0, 0,width, height);     spritebatch.setprojectionmatrix(viewmatrix); } 

and there's no need else sprite's projection matrix (unless want change how sprite displayed on screen):

public void render() {     glcommon gl =;      camera.update();     camera.apply(gdx.gl10);     //this no longer needed:     //spritebatch.setprojectionmatrix(camera.combined);     //... 

long answer: since final goal able use spritebatch draw text, while above mentioned modification code can that, in sense both text on sprite , mesh texture visible, i've noticed if don't specify color vertices of mesh, said vertices color use text. in other words, textured mesh declared so:

 squaremesh = new mesh(true, 4, 4,              new vertexattribute(usage.position, 3, "a_position")             ,new vertexattribute(usage.texturecoordinates, 2, "a_texcoords")      );      squaremesh.setvertices(new float[] {             squarexinitial, squareyinitial, squarezinitial,             0,1,    //lower left             squarexinitial+squaresize, squareyinitial, squarezinitial,  1,1,    //lower right             squarexinitial, squareyinitial+squaresize, squarezinitial,  0,0,    //upper left             squarexinitial+squaresize, squareyinitial+squaresize, squarezinitial,1,0});  //upper right       squaremesh.setindices(new short[] { 0, 1, 2, 3}); 

also having code in render(...) method make mesh red-tinted:

font.setcolor(; spritebatch.draw(texturespritebatch, 0, 0); font.draw(spritebatch, (int)fps+" fps", 0, 100); 

the fix set colors on mesh's vertices right start:

squaremesh = new mesh(true, 4, 4,          new vertexattribute(usage.position, 3, "a_position")         ,new vertexattribute(usage.colorpacked, 4, "a_color")         ,new vertexattribute(usage.texturecoordinates, 2, "a_texcoords")  );  squaremesh.setvertices(new float[] {         squarexinitial, squareyinitial, squarezinitial,                         color.tofloatbits(255, 255, 255, 255),  0,1,    //lower left         squarexinitial+squaresize, squareyinitial, squarezinitial,              color.tofloatbits(255, 255, 255, 255),  1,1,    //lower right         squarexinitial, squareyinitial+squaresize, squarezinitial,              color.tofloatbits(255, 255, 255, 255),  0,0,    //upper left         squarexinitial+squaresize, squareyinitial+squaresize, squarezinitial,   color.tofloatbits(255, 255, 255, 255),  1,0});  //upper right   squaremesh.setindices(new short[] { 0, 1, 2, 3}); 


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