jquery - Passing data in ASP.NET -

i'm coding application jquery mobile , asp.net. have page code:

<asp:listview id="accountslistview" runat="server" datasourceid="xmldatasource1">     <layouttemplate>         <div id="itemplaceholdercontainer" runat="server">             <ul data-role='listview' data-theme='c' data-inset='true'>                 <span id="itemplaceholder" runat="server" />             </ul>         </div>     </layouttemplate>     <itemtemplate>          <li>             <a href='account_details.aspx'><h1><%#xpath("name")%></h1>             <p><%#xpath("location")%></p>              </a>         </li>      </itemtemplate> </asp:listview> <asp:xmldatasource id="xmldatasource1" runat="server"      datafile="~/accountlist.xml"></asp:xmldatasource> 

this creates list xml file of accounts. want have user select account , have page send node path page can display information individual account. i'm kind of stuck on how should go doing this.

a sample of xml file this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>  <accountslist>      <account>       <name>bubba gump shrimp co.</name>       <location>alabama</location>       <account_num>1986</account_num>       <contact_name>forrest gump</contact_name>       <contact_phone>555-555-5555</contact_phone>      </account>  </accountslist> 

just make onclick handler , have pass whatever data want in query parameter (or json data if want). may wish style div appropriately make normal tag.

 // skip xml if want , use inline c# or vb  <div id='blank-link' onclick='handleclick(" <%= myaccountid %> "'><%= myaccountname %></div>   function handleclick( id ){             window.location.href = "myasppage.aspx?id=" + id;  } 

if don't want use query parameters, should asp.net url routing parse out values using accounts/id etc. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc668201.aspx


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