javascript - getting blocked in some browsers -

i have script opens window online application after executing other scripts. not called on click. getting called in script , browser prevents new window appearing.

how overcome this?

here code..'/search/applyonline?jobid=".$jobdetails->getidjob()."',              'applyurljob',             'height=550,\               width=800,\              toolbar=no,\              directories=no,\              status=no,\              menubar=no,\              scrollbars=yes,\              resizable=yes,\              left=200,\              top=250') 

popup blockers block windows being opened not in response click event. therefore can:

  1. ask users turn off popup blocker (not nice).
  2. change scripts work in response link or button click.
  3. use fake windows such jquery ui dialog.


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