c# - Can't get Heads to show with only one record -

i pulling down records have count of 0 or more 1. query works , pulls down , looks great in sql results. looping through results , creating header , grouping them based on country , listing name of users country.

this sql:

select * ( select u.contactname       ,cu.[user id]       ,c.name       ,c.id       ,cu.[foreign table]       ,count(*) on (partition c.id) user_in_this_country   dbo.country c inner join   dbo.countryuser cu on c.id = cu.[foreign id] inner join   dbo.usercolder   u on cu.[user id] = u.id  exists (     select *       countryuser cu2      cu2.[foreign id] = cu.[foreign id]     ,    cu2.[user id] <> cu.[user id]     ,    cu2.[foreign table] = 'country')     )     t     user_in_this_country > 1 or user_in_this_country = 0     order name asc 

this pull down data like:

justin united states 2 bob united states 2 

then method loop through , add headers/group is:

string lastvalue = ""; protected string addgroupingheader(string value) {       //get data field value of interest row      string currentvalue = value;       //specify name display if datafieldvalue database null      if (currentvalue.length == 0)     {         currentvalue = "";     }       //see if there's been change in value      if (lastvalue != currentvalue)     {         //there's been change! record change , emit header          lastvalue = currentvalue;         return "<div style='float: left; font-size: 16px; margin: 10px 0px 0px 10px;'>" + currentvalue + "</div>";     }     else     {         return "";     } } 

and in aspx passing value so:

<%# addgroupingheader(eval("name").tostring())%> 

now if have several records works propery , displays like:

united states  - justin  - bob  china  - frank  - ted 

but , problem. if have:

united states justin united bob 

then doesn't put header. this:

justin bob 

sorry long post, see cause this, i've been stumped 2 days. :(


remove float style. method addgroupingheader can simplified. call passing value, serves header.

string _lastheader;  protected string addgroupingheader(string header) {      if (header != _lastheader) {         _lastheader = header;         return "<div style='font-size: 16px; margin: 10px 0px 0px 10px;'>" + header + "</div>";     }      return ""; } 


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