qt - listview doesn't appear in TabGroup QML? -

how can make listview in qml appear in tab . use code in application n9(meego) need use in symbian . made changes when transformed meego symbian no listview appears. please . note : same listview appears when don't use tabs !!!

my code:

import qtquick 1.1 import com.nokia.symbian 1.1 import com.nokia.extras 1.1 import "uiconstants.js" uiconstants  page {   id: mainpage         orientationlock: pageorientation.lockportrait        tools:     tabbar {            // platformstyle: tabbuttonstyle { }             tabbutton {            text: "tab 1"                 tab: tab1              }             tabbutton {                 text: "tab 2"                  tab: tab2              }             tabbutton {                 text: "tab 3"                 tab: tab3              }             tabbutton {                text: "tab 4"                 tab: tab4              }                        }        tabgroup {              id: tabgroup               pagestack {                 id: tab1                 component.oncompleted: tab1.push(listpage)               // define content tab 1              page {                  id: listpage                      item {                              id: testlist                             anchors.fill: parent                                function openfile(file) {                                  var component = qt.createcomponent(file)                                   if (component.status == component.ready) {                                      mainwindow.pagestack.push(component);                                      console.log("loading component okay");                                  }                                  else {               console.log("error loading component:", component.errorstring());                                  }                              }                               listmodel {                                  id: pagesmodel                                   listelement {                                      page: "infobannerpage.qml"                                      title: "infobanner"                                      subtitle: "info banner"                                  }                                   listelement {                                      page: "ratingindicator.qml"                                      title: "ratingindicator"                                      subtitle: "indicates ratings"                                  }                               }                               listview {                                  id: list                                  model: pagesmodel                                  anchors.fill: parent                                   delegate: listitem {                                      id: listitem                                       platforminverted: mainwindow.childreninverted                                       row {                                          id: listitemrow                                            column {                                               listitemtext {                                                  id: maintext                                                //  width: listitemrow.width                                                  role: "title"                                                  text: title                                               }                                               listitemtext {                                                  id: subtext                                              //   width: listitemrow.width                                                  role: "subtitle"                                                  text: subtitle                                                  visible: text != ""                                               }                                          }                                      }                                       onclicked: { testlist.openfile(page); }                                  } // listitem                              } // listview                               scrolldecorator {                                  flickableitem: listpage                                  platforminverted: mainwindow.childreninverted                              }                          } // item                      } // page    }                 page {                  id: tab2               }              page {                  id: tab3               }              page {             id: tab4          }      } 


you have issues layouting.

working one:

import qtquick 1.1 import com.nokia.symbian 1.1 import com.nokia.extras 1.1  page {   id: mainpage         orientationlock: pageorientation.lockportrait    //    tools:     tabbar {         id: tabbar         anchors {top: parent.top }            // platformstyle: tabbuttonstyle { }             tabbutton {            text: "tab 1"                 tab: tab1              }             tabbutton {                 text: "tab 2"                  tab: tab2              }             tabbutton {                 text: "tab 3"                 tab: tab3              }             tabbutton {                text: "tab 4"                 tab: tab4              }                        }        tabgroup {              id: tabgroup              anchors {top: tabbar.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom}               pagestack {                 id: tab1                 component.oncompleted: tab1.push(listpage)               // define content tab 1              page {                  id: listpage                  anchors.fill: parent                      item {                              id: testlist                             anchors.fill: parent                                function openfile(file) {                                  var component = qt.createcomponent(file)                                   if (component.status == component.ready) {                                      mainwindow.pagestack.push(component);                                      console.log("loading component okay");                                  }                                  else {               console.log("error loading component:", component.errorstring());                                  }                              }                               listmodel {                                  id: pagesmodel                                   listelement {                                      page: "infobannerpage.qml"                                      title: "infobanner"                                      subtitle: "info banner"                                  }                                   listelement {                                      page: "ratingindicator.qml"                                      title: "ratingindicator"                                      subtitle: "indicates ratings"                                  }                               }                               listview {                                  id: list                                  model: pagesmodel                                  anchors.fill: parent                                   delegate: listitem {                                      id: listitem  //                                     platforminverted: mainwindow.childreninverted                                       row {                                          id: listitemrow                                          anchors.fill: listitem.paddingitem                                            column {                                               listitemtext {                                                  id: maintext                                                //  width: listitemrow.width                                                  role: "title"                                                  text: title                                               }                                               listitemtext {                                                  id: subtext                                              //   width: listitemrow.width                                                  role: "subtitle"                                                  text: subtitle                                                  visible: text != ""                                               }                                          }                                      }                                       onclicked: { testlist.openfile(page); }                                  } // listitem                              } // listview                               scrolldecorator { //                                 flickableitem: listpage //                                 platforminverted: mainwindow.childreninverted                              }                          } // item                      } // page    }                 page {                  id: tab2               }              page {                  id: tab3               }              page {             id: tab4          }      } } 


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