html5 - Knockoutjs validation and server validation -
hi i'm kind of new knockoutjs, in scenario want post form have example email address, there requirement email address needs unique.
on server check if email address unique or not , returns validationjson class example
{ isemailunique: false, ispasswordstrongenough: true; }
how can knockoutjs validation show these errors in neat way?
i use 2 different server side validators this, since affect different observables in view model.
originally taken knockout validation readme
ko.validation.rules['isemailunique'] = { validator: function(val, param){ var isvalid = true; $.ajax({ async: false, url: '/validation/isemailunique', type: 'post', data: { value: val, param: param }, success: function(response){ isvalid = response === true; }, error: function(){ isvalid = false; //however handle } }); return isvalid; }, message: 'the email not unique' };
then on server need create endpoint accepts post requests perform lookup , return true or false depending on result of query.
to use above validator = ko.observable() .extend({ isemailunique: { message: 'something else perhaps? override message in validator' } });
you can use same thing password strength validation.
using validators fire validation when observable changes, can useful way validation.
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