javascript - Why calculation code doesnt work? -

so basically, please check code -

full code -

  <script type="text/javascript">    $(document).ready(function() {   var seasonlookup = [       {startday: 1, startmonth:1, endday: 10, endmonth: 6, season:1},       {startday: 21, startmonth:9, endday: 31, endmonth: 12, season:1},       {startday: 11, startmonth:6, endday: 30, endmonth: 6, season:2},       {startday: 1, startmonth:9, endday: 20, endmonth: 9, season:2},       {startday: 1, startmonth:7, endday: 31, endmonth: 8, season:3},           ];    var cars = $('#cars_input').val();    var priceone = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('priceone'));    var pricetwo = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('pricetwo'));    var pricethree = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('pricethree'));    var pricefour = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('pricefour'));    var pricefive = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('pricefive'));    var pricesix = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('pricesix'));    var priceseven = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('priceseven'));    var priceeight = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('priceeight'));       var pricenine = ($('#cars_input option[value="'+cars+'"]').attr('pricenine'));                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 var pricematrix = {       cars: {           1: { t1: priceone, t2: pricetwo, t3: pricethree},           2: { t1: pricefour, t2: pricefive, t3: pricesix},           3: { t1: priceseven, t2: priceeight, t3: pricenine}       }          };    function getseason(date){       var day = date.getdate();       var month = date.getmonth()+1;       var year = date.getfullyear();       for(var i=0;i<seasonlookup.length;i++){           var s = seasonlookup[i];           var startdate = new date(year, s.startmonth-1,s.startday);           var enddate = new date(year, s.endmonth-1,s.endday);           if(date >= startdate && date <= enddate)               return s.season;       }       return null;   }    function getprice(bike, season, days){     var tier = "";     if(days <=2)       tier = "t1";     else if(days <=7)             tier = "t2";      else          tier = "t3"              console.log(days + ' days in season ' + season + ' @ ' + pricematrix[bike][season][tier] + '/day (' + tier + ')')      return pricematrix[bike][season][tier] * days;   }    function calculateprice(startdate, enddate, bike)   {       console.log(startdate);           console.log(enddate);      var currentseason = getseason(startdate);      var totalprice = 0;      var daysinseason = 0;      var currentdate = startdate;      while(currentdate<=enddate){          var season = getseason(currentdate);          if(season != currentseason){                 totalprice += getprice(bike,currentseason,daysinseason);                 currentseason = season;                 daysinseason = 0;          }          daysinseason++;          currentdate.setdate(currentdate.getdate()+1);              }       totalprice += getprice(bike,currentseason,daysinseason);       return totalprice;   }    $('.recalc').change(function(){       var startdate = new date(parseint($('#year_input').val(),10),parseint($('#month_input').val(),10)-1,parseint($('#day_input').val(),10) );       var enddate = new date(parseint($('#yearr_input').val(),10),parseint($('#monthr_input').val(),10)-1,parseint($('#dayr_input').val(),10));       var bike = $('#bike').val();        var price = calculateprice(startdate,enddate,bike);       $('#car-price').val(price);    });   $('#cars_input').change();   });     </script> 

what i've done there assign variables, , tried add variables variable array called pricematrix, it's not assigning somehow. think that's because i'm assigning variable it's done in jquery, please try me fix issue?

edit: jsfiddle demo -

when you're grabbing data dom, they're strings not numbers. must force numeric type using parseint() or parsefloat()


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