java - Email Internationalization using Velocity/FreeMarker Templates -

how can achieve i18n using templating engine such velocity or freemarker constructing email body?

typically people tend create templates like:

<h3>${message.hi} ${user.username}, ${message.welcome}</h3> <div>    ${}<a href="mailto:${user.emailaddress}">${user.emailaddress}</a>. </div> 

and have resource bundle created properties like:

message.hi=hi message.welcome=welcome spring! here send email. 

this creates 1 basic problem: if .vm files becomes large many lines of text, becomes tedious translate , manage each of them in separate resource bundle (.properties) files.

what trying is, have separate .vm file created each language, mytemplate_en_gb.vm, mytemplate_fr_fr.vm, mytemplate_de_de.vmand somehow tell velocity/spring pick right 1 based on input locale.

is possible in spring? or should looking @ perhaps more simple , obvious alternative approaches?

note: have seen spring tutorial on how create email bodies using templating engines. doesn't seem answer question on i18n.

it turns out using 1 template , multiple files wins on having multiple templates.

this creates 1 basic problem: if .vm files becomes large many lines of text, becomes tedious translate , manage each of them in separate resource bundle (.properties) files.

it harder maintain if email structure duplicated on multiple .vm files. also, 1 have re-invent fall-back mechanism of resource bundles. resource bundles try find nearest match given locale. example, if locale en_gb, tries find below files in order, falling last 1 if none of them available.


i post (in detail) had simplify reading resource bundles in velocity templates here.

accessing resource bundle in velocity template

spring configuration

<bean id="messagesource" class="">     <property name="basename" value="content/language" /> </bean>  <bean id="velocityengine" class="org.springframework.ui.velocity.velocityenginefactorybean">         <property name="resourceloaderpath" value="/web-inf/template/" />     <property name="velocityproperties">         <map>             <entry key="velocimacro.library" value="/path/to/macro.vm" />         </map>     </property> </bean>  <bean id="templatehelper" class="">     <property name="velocityengine" ref="velocityengine" />     <property name="messagesource" ref="messagesource" /> </bean> 

templatehelper class

public class templatehelper {     private static final xlogger logger = xloggerfactory.getxlogger(templatehelper.class);     private messagesource messagesource;     private velocityengine velocityengine;      public string merge(string templatelocation, map<string, object> data, locale locale) {         logger.entry(templatelocation, data, locale);          if (data == null) {             data = new hashmap<string, object>();         }          if (!data.containskey("messages")) {             data.put("messages", this.messagesource);         }          if (!data.containskey("locale")) {             data.put("locale", locale);         }          string text =             velocityengineutils.mergetemplateintostring(this.velocityengine,                 templatelocation, data);          logger.exit(text);          return text;     } } 

velocity template

#parse("init.vm") #msg("email.hello") ${user} / $user, #msgargs("email.message", [${emailid}]). <h1>#msg("email.heading")</h1> 

i had create short-hand macro, msg in order read message bundles. looks this:

#**  * msg  *  * shorthand macro retrieve locale sensitive message  *# #macro(msg $key) $messages.getmessage($key,null,$locale) #end  #macro(msgargs $key, $args) $messages.getmessage($key,$args.toarray(),$locale) #end 

resource bundle

email.hello=hello email.heading=this localised message email.message=your email id : {0} got updated in our system. 


map<string, object> data = new hashmap<string, object>(); data.put("user", "adarsh"); data.put("emailid", "");  string body = templatehelper.merge("send-email.vm", data, locale); 


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