Trouble passing callback to my jquery plugin -

i'm trying develop plugin takes callback first argument on init. i've tried modify plugin code official tutorial. can't figure out why what's wrong here:

the plugin:

(function( $ ){      var methods = {          init : function( callback, options ) {               // create defaults, extending them options provided             var settings = $.extend( {                 'location'         : 'top',                 'background-color' : 'blue'                 }, options);               return this.each(function() {                          $ {                      e.stoppropagation();                     var $target = $(;                     if (callback)                          callback($target);                 });              });         },      };      $.fn.myplugin = function( method ) {          // method calling logic         if ( methods[method] ) {             return methods[ method ].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));         } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {             return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );         } else {             $.error( 'method ' +  method + ' not exist on jquery.myplugin' );         }      };  })( jquery ); 

calling plugin:

// create callback function var callback = function(){alert('hey');};  $('#my-control').myplugin(callback,{'width':'600px'});  

the error:

method function (){alert('hey');} not exist on jquery.myplugin

this line:

else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) { 

is causing $.error condition (in next else clause) fire off, since you're checking method name or options object , didn't account passing in argument of type function.

i recommend making callback option part of options object instead:

(function($) {      var methods = {          init: function(options) {             console.dir(arguments);             // create defaults, extending them options provided             var settings = $.extend({                 'location': 'top',                 'background-color': 'blue'             }, options);               return this.each(function() {                  $(this).click(function(e) {                      e.stoppropagation();                     var $target = $(;                     if (settings.callback) settings.callback($target);                 });              });         },      };      $.fn.myplugin = function(method) {          // method calling logic         if (methods[method]) {             return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));         } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {             return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);         } else {             $.error('method ' + method + ' not exist on jquery.myplugin');         }      };  })(jquery); 


var callback = function(){alert('hey');}; $('#my-control').myplugin({'width':'600px', callback: callback});  



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