javascript - Backbone.js: How to handle selection of a single view only? -

i stuck on following issue:

i have model property defines if visibly selected or not, call selectmodel purpose of question.

selectmodel = backbone.model.extend({ defaults:{  isselected: false } }) 

now first part not how should handle selection in general. if want use observer pattern, view should listen change of isselected property. view triggers in first place, have.

selectview = backbone.view.extend({ initialize: function(){ this.model.bind("change:isselected", this.toggleselectionvisually) },  events: { "click" : toggleselection },  toggleselection: function(){ this.model.set({"isselected": !this.model.get("isselected"); },  toggleselectionvisually:(){ //some code shows view selected }, }) 

so in feels bit absurd guess understand wrong.

but part fail implement without making code horrible handling selection multiple models 1 model selected @ time.

selectlistview = backbone.view.extend({ initialize: function(){ this.collection = new selectlist(); },  toggleselection: function(){ ???? }    }) 

so should notify whom of selection change? part should trigger , part should listen? stuck on one. single view doable, collection sadly lost.

i have suggested following simplification selectview until saw second part of question:

selectview = backbone.view.extend({   events: {     "click" : toggleselection   },    toggleselection: function(){     this.model.set({"isselected": !this.model.get("isselected");     //some code shows whether view selected or not   } }); 

however, since isselected attribute apparently mutually exclusive, can toggled off implicitly when 1 toggled on, think way have best case.

so, using existing selectview and, have selectlistview follows. warning: iterates on entire collection of models each time 1 selected. if have large number of models not scale well, , you'll want cache previously-selected model rather iterating on entire collection.

selectlistview = backbone.view.extend({   initialize: function(){     this.collection = new selectlist();     this.collection.bind('change:isselected', this.toggleselection, this);   },    toggleselection: function(toggledmodel){     //a model toggled (on or off)     if(toggledmodel.get('isselected') {       //a model toggled on, check if different model selected       var otherselectedmodel = this.collection.find(function(model) {         return toggledmodel !== model && model.get('isselected');       });        if(otherselectedmodel != null) {         //another model selected, toggle off         otherselectedmodel.set({'isselected': false});       }     }   }    }); 


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