html - Parse XML link with PHP -

i have xml feed looks this:


i can parse title enough using simplexml:

$pictureboxxmlfeed = simplexml_load_file('');;  echo $pictureboxxmlfeed->entry[1]->title;  foreach($pictureboxxmlfeed->entry $value){      echo $value->title;     echo '<br/>';  } 

but need grab link element in feed looks this:

<link href="" rel="alternate"/> 

fyi, doesn't work:

echo $value->link;

thanks help...

is mean?

$string = ' <entry>     <link href="" rel="alternate"/> </entry>';  $simplexml = simplexml_load_string($string); foreach($simplexml->link->attributes() $name => $value) {     echo $name.': '.$value.'<br />'; } 


href: rel: alternate 


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