c# - Save non-transparent image from a PictureBox with transparent images -

i have picturebox lots of transparent png's drawn into...

now i'd save content of picturebox file, without transparency.

how can this?

i have tried remove transparency image this, didn't work, still got transparent image after save.

...  removetransparency(picturebox.image).save(savefiledialog.filename);  private bitmap removetransparency(image transparentimage) {     bitmap src = new bitmap(transparentimage);     bitmap newimage = new bitmap(src.size.width, src.size.height);     graphics g = graphics.fromimage(newimage);     g.drawrectangle(new pen(new solidbrush(color.white)), 0, 0, newimage.width, newimage.height);     g.drawimage(src, 0, 0);      return newimage; } 

you may cycle through pixel (please not using getpixel/setpixel) change color or may create bitmap same size, create graphics context image, clear image favorite background color , draw image on (so transparent pixels replaced background color).


did this?

public static bitmap repaint(bitmap source, color backgroundcolor) {  bitmap result = new bitmap(source.width, source.height, pixelformat.format32bppargb);  using (graphics g = graphics.fromimage(result))  {   g.clear(backgroundcolor);   g.drawimage(source, new rectangle(0, 0, source.width, source.height));  }   return result; } 


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