mvc - MVC 3 - In a controller how do you check which items are selected in the view? -

i have 3 models albums has instances of track , playlist has instances of track.

currently album view shows each track checkbox , dropdown @ bottom shows playlists user , add playlist button. users should able select tracks album , add them playlist have. i'm not sure controller handle this. view looks

**album view** @{     viewbag.title = "details"; }  <h2>album: @model.title</h2>  @{      list<sem_app.models.playlist> abc = viewbag.playlists;      ienumerable<selectlistitem> selectlist =     c in abc     select new selectlistitem     {         text = c.playlistname,         value = c.playlistname,     }; }  @using (html.beginform()){     foreach (var track in model.tracks)     {         @html.checkbox(track.title)         @track.title         <br />     }      @html.dropdownlist("abd", selectlist)      <input type="submit" value="add selected songs playlist" /> } 

my controller method looks

[httppost] public actionresult details(formcollection fc) {     return view(); } 

how can check tracks user has selected , playlist user has selected in controller?

i'm assuming model album view @model album.

your model be:

class track {   ....  ....  bool isselected; } 

and view:

 @using (html.beginform()){       (int = 0; < model.tracks.count(); i++) {         @html.checkboxfor(m => m.tracks[i].isselected)        @model.tracks[i].name      }     } 

so controller this:

[httppost] public actionresult details(album album, formcollection fc) {     album.tracks;//should contain tracks     album.tracks[0].isselected;//should return if selected     fc["abd"];//should return element selected.     return view(); } 

your view needs html correctly rendered , values correctly bound controller.

you need use typed methods (ending for) bind other values controller. , want use @html.hiddenfor(m=> create hidden field album know album posted back.


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