Trivial Chrome pageAction extension not working -

i'm trying write trivial chrome pageaction extension change anchors on page 1 domain another... can't quite seem work, , i'm having trouble debugging it.

am misunderstanding how kind of extension needs built? or misusing api?


{   "name": "theirs2ours",   "version": "1.0",   "description": "changes 'their' urls 'our' urls.",   "background_page": "background.html",   "permissions": [     "tabs"   ],   "page_action": {     "default_icon": "cookie.png",     "default_title": "theirs2ours"   },   "content_scripts": [     {       "matches": ["http://*/*"],       "js": ["content.js"]     }   ] } 


<html> <head> <script type='text/javascript'>  chrome.tabs.onselectionchanged.addlistener(function(tabid) {; });  chrome.tabs.getselected(null, function(tab) {; });  chrome.pageaction.onclicked.addlistener(function(tab) {     chrome.tabs.sendrequest(, {}, null); });  </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> 


var transform = function() {   var theirs = '';   var ours = '';   var anchors = document.getelementsbytagname('a');   (var in anchors) {     var link = anchors[a];     var href = link.href;     if (href.indexof('/') == 0) link.href = ours + href;     else if (href.indexof(theirs) == 0) link.href = href.replace(theirs, ours);   } };  chrome.extension.onrequest.addlistener(function(request, sender, sendresponse) {   transform(); }); 

you're not requesting permission run content scripts on these pages. matches content scripts determines pages executed in still need request permission inject scripts in these pages.

"permissions": [   "tabs",   "http://*/*" ] 


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