How to input a character in windows form application? -

how can input character(name) in windows form application textbox?

in c,

char name[256];  printf("what name: ");  gets(name); 

in windows form application using c (i don't want use c#), how can same way?

name.add(textbox1->text)?? name->add(textbox1->text)?? 

  • it not reasonable use c to use .net windows forms.
  • i don't know modern gui library windows pure c.
  • there plenty c++ native libraries build window gui mfc, qt
  • it possible use .net framework c++ using managed c++.

if want go pure native c route... here link start win32 programming: creating win32-based applications

code like:

hwnd hwnd = createwindow(     szwindowclass,     sztitle,     ws_overlappedwindow,     cw_usedefault, cw_usedefault,     500, 100,     null,     null,     hinstance,     null ); 


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