objective c - Using Open SSL with Xcode 4.3 -

recently upgraded xcode 3.2 4.3

my application using openssl 1.0.0 , working fine xcode 3.2 , xyz.app making use of open ssl , built on xcode 3.2 working fine osx lion 10.7

but when built same application on xcode 4.2 , log says , couldn't certificates authority , in-tunrs seems open-ssl library has not integrated xcode 4.3 application development environment,

i tried re-built openssl no luck, suspecting following,

1 -- in xcode 4.3 see 2 compiler llvm 4.3 , apple lvm , believe open ssl built using gcc 4.2 , on xcode 3.2 using same working ,

2 -- on lion should kind of cross compilation open - ssl apple llvm compiler , should working on xcode 4.3 application

please throw lights on it.

i fixed it

the problem is, ssl_ctx_load_verify_locations , ssl_ctx_set_default_verify_paths, input parameter not correct, in 10.6 compiling , running, might ssl have ignored it, in 10.7 didn't work, giving proper input working.

thanks reading it.


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